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Fragaria' Seascape Heirloom Everbearing, Well Established Clump

Fragaria' Seascape Heirloom Everbearing, Well Established Clump

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price $25.00 CAD Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Botanical Name Fragaria x ananassa 'Seascape'
Mature Height 1 Foot 
Mature Width Variable
Light Requirement Full Sun to Partial Shade
Hardiness Zone Zones 4-8
Tolerance N/A
Attracts Pollinators 


Seascape strawberries are large and firm, with a bright red skin and matching red interior. The berries have a distinct classic strawberry taste, just like the ones you used to pick out of Gramma's garden. Seascape can produce a bumper crop of mouthwatering fruit in a single season makes it a popular cultivar. Everbearing variety with the biggest yield and a very sweet, juicy flavour. From late spring to frost, the low-maintenance cultivar will yield an abundance of fruit. Everbearing means the plant produces a few fruit crops, typically in late spring, summer, and again in fall. This lengthens the time in which you can pick juicy snacking berries to several months of the year. The plant is attractive, cold-hardy and grows well in containers. 

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