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Lonicera' Honeyberry (Haskap) Duet

Lonicera' Honeyberry (Haskap) Duet

Regular price $150.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 CAD
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Botanical Name  Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica 'Duet'
Mature Height 5 Feet 
Mature Width 5 Feet
Light Requirement Full Sun 
Hardiness Zone Zones 2-9
Tolerance N/A
Attracts N/A


Honeyberry, Haskap or Siberian Blue Berry is a deciduous shrub that is relatively unknown but bound to make an impact in the edible garden! Honeyberry Duet is a new self fertile variety with berries very high in Vitamin C and antioxidants. Yeilds 6-9 KG per plant of beautiful, large berries that are long, cylindrical and blue-black, with a white, waxy bloom. Having a pleasant, sweet, tangy flavour the tasty berries are used as table fruit, juicing, baking, cooking, pickling, and jams. Lonicera caerulea Duet is a cultivar of a fruiting shrub from Siberia and Kamschatka only recently introduced to the west. Honeyberry Duet is a mid- to late season cropper (early-mid June). It’s partially self-fertile, but will crop better if grown with a different honeyberry cultivar like the 'Czelabinka' Honeyberry also available! Flowers are yellowish-white, born in pairs. Fruit skin will turn blue before it is ripe inside. green flesh is not yet ripe, must ripen to deep purple! Similar taste to blueberries with a more complex flavour (added tartness) the berries have an elongated/oblong shape. Juice is highly concentrated in colour! High in vitamins and minerals. Does not require acidic soil conditions like blueberry does. Duet is a Polish selection. 

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