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Potentilla' Arc En Ciel Cinquefoil

Potentilla' Arc En Ciel Cinquefoil

Regular price $40.00 CAD
Regular price $40.00 CAD Sale price $40.00 CAD
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Botanical Name Potentilla hybrid  'Arc En Ciel'
Mature Height 1.5 Feet
Mature Width 1.5 Feet
Light Requirement Full Sun - Partial Shade 
Hardiness Zone Zones 4-8
Tolerance Deer, Disease, Poor Soil
Attracts Pollinators 


 Arc-en-Ciel means rainbow in french and refers to the multitude of colors that will display themselves at once on this rare and interesting specimen. Long Blooming season with a perennial growth habit makes this Potentilla much more desirable than others! Arc-en-Ciel Cinquefoil AKA Perennial Potentilla is a cousin to the more familiar shrubby Potentilla. Cinquefoil is a clump-forming herbaceous perennial with dark green strawberry-style leaves and trailing stems that tumble over walls, down steps or the edge of containers. Blooming from June through August stunning double layers of ruffled deep red petals showcase irregular yellow-splashed margins that become more yellow with age. Cut down in spring and watch Arc-en-Ciel regrow beautifully each season after season. 

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