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Prunus' O’Henry Peach Tree

Prunus' O’Henry Peach Tree

Regular price $130.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $130.00 CAD
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Botanical Name Prunus Persica 'O’Henry'
Mature Height 12 Feet 
Mature Width 5 Feet
Light Requirement Full Sun 
Hardiness Zone Zones 5-9
Tolerance N/A
Attracts N/A


ℹ Experience the amazing complex flavors that set the O’Henry Peach apart from the rest! At the first bite of an O’Henry Peach you'll get a burst of sweet, juicy, sticky, densely flavored peachy wonderfulness, followed closely by a tingly jazz of acid with subtle hints of vanilla! This acidity and subtle vanilla flavor create the perfect sweet and tangy bite and are what set the O’Henry Peach apart from other peaches. Not only reigning Supreme in the flavor department, The O’Henry peach is just as esthetically pleasing , with a beautiful solid bright red almost fuzless skin when ripe, and an almost turmeric colored vibrant flesh! Peach lovers adore the fantastic fruit of O'Henry Peach Trees, which bear a heavy crop of its delightful fruit in August. Overall, the O'Henry Peach is a superb, high quality and reliable peach that we highly recommend! Self-pollinating, but yields bigger crops when planted near a different peach. Freestone variety. 

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